.. Nyxar documentation master file, created by sphinx-quickstart on Thu Feb 22 00:24:51 2018. You can adapt this file completely to your liking, but it should at least contain the root `toctree` directive. Welcome to Nyxar's documentation! ================================= Nyxar (NyxTrader) is a platform for quantitative trading on 24/7 markets, with modules for data mining, strategy backtesting, paper trading, and live trading. Nyxar is particularly suitable for trading on cryptocurrency markets. Features: * Event based backtesting with simulative exchange. Minimal difference between live trading and backtesting algorithms. * Multiple source of datafeed supported: mainstream cryptocurrency exchanges, quandal, csv file or pandas dataframe. * Built-in indicators (SMA, EMA, RSI, ...) for building your own trading strategy. * Built-in analyzers (Sharpe ratio, drawdown, ...), cross-validation, and hypothesis testing for benchmarking your strategy. Table of Contents -------------------- .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 quotes backexchange order slippage Indices and tables ================== * :ref:`genindex` * :ref:`modindex` * :ref:`search`